How to join


The goal of Euritas is to become the European platform of Public ICT service providers. Our intention is to share our combined knowledge and best practices and contribute to the development of the European ICT strategy.

Your advantages:

  • Pooling of European-wide ICT knowledge
  • Contacts to relevant public stakeholders with regard to innovation and cooperation
  • Facilitating a dialogue between cross-border public authorities and public service providers

By becoming a member of Euritas, your organisation makes a statement that it believes that innovation and cooperation are a key success factor of the modernisation of the public administration in Europe. Euritas is destined to become the place where members from the public administration and the European Commission are discussing and forming the future of ICT in the public sector.

Through Euritas, members organisations get a lot of benefits:

  • Access a pan-European platform endorsing and promoting their initiatives and activities
  • Access know-how of different public ICT service providers from Europe
  • Access joint initiatives such as White Papers, Knowledge and Skills sharing Recommendations, Best Practices
  • Address specific thematic challenges through different working groups
  • Find strategic partnerships and business alliances
  • Share and disseminate their messages and contents through Euritas
  • Benefit from generated synergies to handle local or cross-border ICT projects

And more …

Euritas is open to public ICT service providers from all European states. The members of Euritas are government owned and non-profit oriented. Members are based in Europe and work for public administrations in Europe. All members contribute resources and activities to Euritas. Every new member must agree upon the by-laws.
Euritas is aiming at enlarging its membership base to include partners from a variety of European countries.
Consider your organisation for membership to Euritas! Please contact us at

Applications are welcome!


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